Have you tried it like this?

Simon A Harling
Jan 14, 2023


Image by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pixabay

I thought I’d try a thought experiment.

The book I am working on has 4 questions each a chapter of my book.

So I outlined my book with 3 chapters and 4 questions to see what it looked like. I like it better.

I then tried making each point I want to make into a chapter. I have 22 clear points that I think deserved their own explanation. I like this less but now I’m clear on the points that I want to make.

Did I waste a week on this thought experiment when I could have moved closer to finishing the book? Maybe.

But, is there any point in going in a direction you already know by asking questions you know the answers to?



Simon A Harling
Simon A Harling

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