Looking back 3 years from now
Imagine that you are a 9-year-old child standing waiting to take your first steps onto an academy football pitch.
You have been chosen to take part in an Academy program that over the next 3 years will introduce you to the idea of Long Term Athletic Development. Together with football training and competitive football matches, there is a “FUNdamental” world of physical activity waiting for you.
As a 12-year-old looking back over those three years, what has to have happened for you to feel happy with your time at the Academy?
I’ve heard coaches say their job is to make the next coach’s job easier. I know parents who want their children to be happy, and successful, and above all to still be in the program.
You get my point.
I’ve designed events, courses, and even training programs that have the end in mind. Sometimes, I write a dream review, putting myself in the user’s shoes — what do I want to happen?
It’s a question worth asking.
What do I want to happen?