The Game Of “Coach”
I’ve invented a game called “Coach”. There are a few rules but no manual.
Players start by answering the following question:
Do you want to grow or win as a coach?
The answer decides how a player shows up in the game.
When a player chooses Win they are given two weapons: Dominance and Prestige.
When a player chooses Growth. Dominance and Prestige are given as gifts, not weapons. Any player giving away Dominance or Prestige to another player who is not ready to accept the gift. Must restart the game.
A Win player picks up gains extra points along the route in either Dominance or Prestige by completing certain tasks. Think Mario Cart.
Tasks include:
Battling on Twitter
Appeasing high ranking coaches
Trademarking your work
Picking up famous clients
A player can win Coach by being dominant in either Dominance or Prestige.
Think Roy Kent.
This can be a be risky strategy because you may come across a coach that is dominant across both.
Think Jose Mourinho “ The Special one”.
The player with the highest status wins Coach. A Win player can sell out to gain status points, especially if it means they win. The reverse is true for a Growth player. Their status rating falls if they sell out. In fact, it is their quickest way to lose the game.
In fact, so bad, that any Growth player caught selling out has to wear the eternal badge of shame. For a Growth player, selling out is damnation. The bottom of the fire pit, one below failing. Examples include appeasing high-ranked coaches.
To thrive, Growth players must take on high-scoring tasks with a high risk of failure. They are rewarded if they share their failure. Making it entirely possible that a Growth player can win just by failing forward.
Of course, a Growth player can stay in the game by taking up tasks that are low-scoring. Tasks that largely go unnoticed. Like giving Dominance or Prestige a gift to lower-ranked players than themselves.
But to have the biggest chance to win Coach. A Growth player has to find a way to collaborate with the other players. Additional points are awarded if their coaching principles or values collide with other players’ commercial interests. But, they share them anyway. Earning maximum points when their coaching values and principles are in writing.
Since playing Coach is a great way to boost your status in the much bigger Game of Life (definitely trademarked). I hope it catches on.
All you need to do is decide is how you want to show up.